Tag Archives: pros and cons of lipo laser

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Lipo laser

Fat Be Gone: What is Lipo laser

lipo laser,laser lipo

What is Lipo Laser? You may have frequently heard about it from friends, saw tons of advertisements about it, you may have even seen countless websites talking about it. And avoided it almost entirely, simply because of the shortage of information available about Lipo Laser. Even though there are many sources which talks about Lipo Laser every now and then, no one talks about the procedure in details. Which is why to help get formally introduced to the most effective way to lose weight available today, here’s all that you need to know about Lipo Laser.

What is Lipo Laser?

When people think of the term “Lipo”, the first thing that pop’s in anyone’s mind is Liposuction. And if you think that Lipo Laser has got something to do with Liposuction, then you’re absolutely correct. Because Lipo Laser is a brand new and effective way to lose weight, minus the extensive surgery. But the elimination of extensive surgery does not mean that you won’t require any surgery at all, rather it means that you no longer need to have a surgery where you’re completely gutted. Instead, only small holes are made in your body to drain the fat out.

The Procedure

One of the main reasons why people avoid Liposuction almost entirely is because it generally required your body to cut open and have the fat drained out. Which ended up scaring a lot of people. In the revolutionary new Lipo Laser procedure, a mild laser is run all over your body. Which melts the fat and converts it into liquid form, so that it can be drained from the body through the small dissections with the help of a vacuum pump. What makes the Laser Lipo procedure so popular amongst users is that unlike traditional liposuction, users no longer have to worry about the skin from sagging. Which is the most common side effect of liposuction, as the fat is manually removed and leaves behind a void. In the Lipo Laser procedure, the laser acts as a skin tightening agent, which prevents the skin from sagging and maintain its elasticity after the procedure.

Now that you know what Lipo Laser is, it will be a little easier for you to choose the procedure that has been making the world go crazy with its instant results and effectiveness.

Lipo Laser Treatments

Experience Maximum Benefits From Successful Lipo Laser Treatments

Successful fat reduction is offered by most of the treatments in general in a conventional manner. However, most of the people are unable to achieve desired success through such fat losing methodologies. By relying upon a breakthrough process in the form of lipo laser technique, it is possible to maintain perfect health standards without having to go through any problematic issues for sure. Seeking modern processes to maintain ideal health is something what you need to focus upon in order to realize all those benefits that you anticipate on the whole. Perfect treatment options are provided to you accordingly because of which lasting effects are realized for sure.

Exclusive Working Mechanism Of Lipo Laser Treatments

Determining how different are these treatments for those people suffering from exact levels of fat formation in body is important. The biggest advantage obtained from this technique is that the increased fat deposits are effectively removed with the perfect realization of treatment process in an ideal fashion. Numerous people are known to consider this process in order to achieve successful results because of which ideal body personality has been obtained by them on an overall. Seeking a better treatment option with the inclusion of various features too will benefit you accordingly.

Advanced Lipo Laser Treatments For Your Precise Body Needs

Seeking more features from the latest medical technologies involving laser treatment for fat reduction will lead you through numerous benefits that you expect on an overall. Reach target areas of your body such as hips, thighs and belly to cut down the excessive levels of fat in precisely the same way as you anticipate. Getting along with your exact needs with the inclusion of ultimate features will let you organize your priorities without having to go through any major issues on the whole. Eventually, you get to maintain optimum benefits as per the given situation.

Natural Way Of Excluding Fat Cells With Lipo Laser Treatments

People with a burly physique who are left without any hopes are able to realize wonderful results from this fat reduction technique in an eventual manner. Avoid problematic situations in life with the increase of more calories with the consideration of this positive treatment process of your exclusive needs. Eventually, you are able to explore all those aspects that are known to offer you maximum benefits in precisely the same way as you anticipate on the whole.

Additional Benefits From Lipo Laser Treatments For You Successfully

Envious body shape is what you obtain from this advanced treatment for your extensive needs. Putting back your body on the track without having to go through any significant issues too is something what you need to prefer in the first place. Eventually, you are able to explore ultimate strategies of perfect bodily care for sure. Taking less time to maintain your original body shape is one of the best advantages that you obtain eventually with the inclusion of all those features that you anticipate on an overall. Perhaps, you need to try the best aspects offering you a lean body with excessive body fat cut down effectively.

Lipo Laser Side Effects

Lipo Laser Possible Side Effects

Laser procedures over the last couple of years have advanced in technologies and have become more secure and affordable. Despite this, there are side effects related to laser lipolysis or smart Lipo that one may need to be aware. These side effects are, however minimal and only occurs in a few cases where the doctor in negligent, normal surgery side effects or simple bad luck on a patient’s side.

The main lipo laser side effects:

Contour irregularities

Puckering and skin burns

Intestine Injuries


Lumpiness, sagging skin, treated area discomfort,

Numbness, discoloration, dimpling

Here is a brief discussion on the major side effects of laser lipolysis


It is not a good idea to settle for lipo-sunction when looking forward to bearing more babies for the women. There are very few reported cases where a woman may have complications elated to getting pregnant. Only settle for the procedure if sure you are safe from this.

Intestinal Injuries

In worse case scenarios, this may be a possibility. There may be injuries to the intestines in a very few cases. However, when the surgery is conducted by professional and hands on skilled doctors, this is not a possible occurrence.

Contour Irregularities

This means that the patient may have some parts of the skin may not look smooth as expected after the surgery. Lumps may appear at the belly and sags that are not wanted. Fluids may also build-up in the under belly after surgery, a condition known as seroma. These are reversed by conducting additional surgery.

Pain after Surgery

Laser procedure may result in side burns to the skin and under belly. A patient may suffer pain after the treatment for a longer period, say three to four months.

Other minor, side also witnessed in other surgeries, including Lumpiness, sagging skin, treated area discomfort, Numbness, discoloration and dimpling may also affect the lipo-surgery patients. It is wise to conduct this procedure through experienced doctors with the right up-to date and most advanced medical tools.

Does Lipo laser work?

Get Rid of the Extra Fat Easily Using Lipo Laser

  Every fat woman is fighting to lose weight and maintain a more attractive figure. That has led to the introduction and invention of new and easy way of cutting that extra fat. Some non-surgical ways, such as Laser Lipo has been brought to help remove fat from some body parts like love handles or the tummy. Due to the curiosity of many, the question is, does Lipo laser work?

How it Works
Well, there cannot be a direct answer to that as it has two sides; yes and no. The system helps to release fat from targeted body parts by arousing the cells with a given laser light frequency. This in turn exerts change in the walls of the cells which make them porous to allow fat to leave the body.

The Debate
The reason why there are two answers to the question if it works or not is that, there are some more activities needed after the treatment. Once the treatment is carried out and the fats leave the fat cells, one will be needed to perform some physical exercise in order to burn off the released fats. Failure to exercise within 8 hours will lead to re-absorption of the fat by the cells.

The yes answer comes in the line whereby the laser beams arouse the fat cells so that they can give out the contents. However, this is dependent on the amount of exercise one does. Some have bodies that tend to respond quickly to the treatment and that makes it work perfectly. For that reason, one can request for a trial session to see if it will be effective or not.

So does Lipo laser work or not? Yes, it does, if you work too. It needs commitment for it to give great results. The system does the fat release from their cells and you do the removal from the body, via burning (exercise).

Pros and cons of lipo laser

Laser Liposunction  Pros And Cons

Technology advancement has transformed the way things are done, more so in the medical field where new procedures and treatments are performed every day all thanks to technology. One of these advanced procedures is the laser Liposuction. Just like in traditional liposuction, laser liposuction is designed to remove fat cells under the skin. Laser liposuction, however, differs from traditional liposuction in that laser technology is used to remove fat under the skin whereas in traditional liposuction, more intrusive surgery is used.
Liposuction can either be internal or external. In internal liposuction, laser is attached to a suction device which is then inserted in the area to be operated using a fiber optic probe. External liposuction on the other hand involves the use of a laser pen or pad outside the body.
There are various pros and cons of lipo laser. Some of them include;
laser Liposuction Pros
1. The method less intrusive when compared to traditional liposuction. Patients therefore experience less trauma on areas here the procedure is applied and this means less scaring and a shorter recovery time.
2. Laser coagulates blood in the areas where the procedure is being carried out. This means that patients do not lose a lot of blood during the operation. Blood coagulation also eliminates excessive swelling normally associated with this procedure.
3. Small incisions are made during laser liposuction and this reduces the likelihood of infection.
4. The method has been proven to be effective when it comes to getting rid of excess fat found underneath the skin. The procedure, however, cannot take the place of a healthy balanced diet and regular exercise.
Liposuction Cons
1. Laser liposuction is an aesthetic driven procedure. As such, the procedure is not covered by most medical covers. The cost for the procedure is also high and unaffordable to some.
2. Fluids used during the procedure are not removed and most patients might require a repeat procedure after a few weeks. These fluids can also cause fluid imbalance.
3. There is the risk of skin burns during laser liposuction.
These are some of the general pros and cons of lipo laser. The effects of surgery however differ from one person to another depending on how the body responds to laser liposuction.

How Much Does Lipo Laser Cost

How much does lipo laser cost? That is perhaps a question that many people want an answer to, especially who are contemplating weight loss surgery. The main thing to shop around for the best price is to know the factors that determine cost. The main determiner of the cost is actually the location where liposuction is actually being done and the amount of fat being removed. It will actually cost less if only remove fats around the belly as compared to entire body make over.

· Surgeon’s fee

The fees for your surgeon’s time and expertise will range anywhere from $2000 to $10,000 depending on how many areas you want the procedure to be done. Because each area of your body requires its own mini surgery, doing multiple areas will actually cost more. The most common area where this procedure is normally done include the neck, arms, inner thighs, abdomen, outer thighs, back and love handles. Each area normally carries its own individual fee and so if you are planning to conduct this procedure in all those areas you should expect the price to fall on the higher end of price range. The average lipo cases normally involve 2 to 3 areas so the average cost of surgeon fee is about $4000-$6000.surgeons with great experience may charge higher fees.

· Garments fees

The type of garment you choose for the procedure is just as impotent as the surgery itself. You will need 2 or 3 garment which averagely cost $200-$250 per garment.

· Equipment fees

Most the time the surgeon will always include fees for special equipments. Depending on how you want your liposuction to be conducted, the surgeon may order some specialized equipments which may require additional fee that you as the patient have to cater for. Some of the special equipments include ultrasound liposuction console and laser liposuction console.

· Anesthesia fees

The type of anesthesia you choose for your procedure will play a very big role in the overall cost of the surgery. General anesthesia is the most recommended and most comfortable to use when having this surgery. Being the most comfortable, it also comes with high that ranges between $1000 to$2500.

· Average total cost

The average total cost of doing a laser lipo ranges from $8000 – $10,000 depending on all the factors we have discussed above.

For more information about Lipo Laser please visit
